3000 yrs. of darkness must end

Rise Original Man in your Spirit, in your Light, in your Greatness!
Look Up!                                                           
                                                               ~Queen Mother Miata





The 3 Immutable Universal Laws


The Universe is Mental

As Above, So Below
The Universal Law of Correspondence: the Law solidifying the understanding that we are Divine Beings. The Law that ‘Balances the World’.


Everything vibrates
The Universal Language is Frequency



The 4 Mutable Universal Laws


Nature exists in duality.  Everything has an opposite.
The Coming Forth…


Everything has a Masculine and a Feminine Principle.
When you Understand your Coming Forth, you will know why
Our Holy Trinity Re-establishes Civilizations


For Every Cause, there is an Effect and For Every Effect, there is a Cause
You are a Force to Be Reckoned With